WTF Video, One Week
Labels: WTF Video
If you were a hot dog and you were starving...would you eat yourself? Anything I have to say here are my opinions and does NOT represent official US Government or Army policy.
Labels: WTF Video
Labels: WTF Video
The Value of Service
Commentary by Lt. Col. Mark Murphy
354th Maintenance Group deputy commander
EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska -- I learned a big lesson on service Aug. 4, 2008, when Eielson had the rare honor of hosting President Bush on a refueling stop as he traveled to Asia .
It was an event Eielson will never forget -- a hangar full of Airmen and Soldiers getting to see the Commander in Chief up close, and perhaps even shaking his hand. An incredible amount of effort goes into presidential travel because of all of the logistics, security, protocol, etc ... so it was remarkable to see Air Force One land at Eielson on time at precisely 4:30 p.m.--however, when he left less than two hours later, the President was 15 minutes behind schedule.
That's a big slip for something so tightly choreographed, but very few people know why it happened. Here's why.
On Dec. 10, 2006, our son, Shawn, was a paratrooper deployed on the outskirts of Baghdad . He was supposed to spend the night in camp, but when a fellow soldier became ill Shawn volunteered to take his place on a nighttime patrol--in the convoy's most exposed position as turret gunner in the lead Humvee. He was killed instantly with two other soldiers when an IED ripped through their vehicle.
I was thinking about that as my family and I sat in the audience listening to the President's speech, looking at the turret on the up-armored Humvee the explosive ordnance disposal flight had put at the edge of the stage as a static display.
When the speech was over and the President was working the crowd line, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see a White House staff member. She asked me and my wife to come with her, because the President wanted to meet us.
Stunned, we grabbed our two sons that were with us and followed her back into a conference room. It was a shock to go from a crowded, noisy hangar, past all of those security people, to find ourselves suddenly alone in a quiet room.
The only thing we could hear was a cell phone vibrating, and noticed that it was coming from the jacket Senator Stevens left on a chair. We didn't answer.
A short time later, the Secret Service opened the door and President Bush walked in. I thought we might get to shake his hand as he went through. But instead, he walked up to my wife with his arms wide, pulled her in for a hug and a kiss, and said, "I wish I could heal the hole in your heart." He then grabbed me for a hug, as well as each of our sons. Then he turned and said, "Everybody out."
A few seconds later, the four of us were completely alone behind closed doors with the President of the United States and not a Secret Service agent in sight.
He said, "Come on, let's sit down and talk." He pulled up a chair at the side of the room, and we sat down next to him. He looked a little tired from his trip, and he noticed that his shoes were scuffed up from leaning over concrete barriers to shake hands and pose for photos. He slumped down the chair, completely relaxed, smiled, and suddenly was no longer the President - he was just a guy with a job, sitting around talking with us like a family member at a barbeque...
Labels: Real Heroes
California Ballot Initiative to Impose 45% Income Tax, 55% Wealth Tax & 36%-54% Exit Tax
A California activist is trying to gather the 694,354 signatures needed to place a tax initiative on the ballot that would:
Impose a new 35% income surtax (in addition to federal taxes and the existing 10.3% top state rate) -- 17.5% (on all of the taxpayer's income) when income exceeds $150,000 (single)/$250,000 (joint), and an additional 17.5% (again, on all of the taxpayer's income) when income exceeds $350,000 (single)/$500,000 (joint).
Impose a one-time 55% wealth tax on assets exceeding $20 million held by a California resident or held in California by nonresident.
Impose an exit tax of between 36.5% to 54.3% on both income and unrealized appreciation in asset values over $5 million when a resident dies or leaves California.
Labels: Idiots
Larry, is that you?
I knew there was a reason I haven't been getting any...damn.
Labels: Idiots
Labels: Team America, WTF Video
Labels: Foo Fighters
Labels: WTF Video
H/T The Tank
The Heritage Foundation has released a report on who is serving in the military.
Based on an understanding of the limitations of any objective definition of quality, this report compares military volunteers to the civilian population on four demographic characteristics: household income, education level, racial and ethnic background, and regional origin. This report finds that:
U.S. military service disproportionately attracts enlisted personnel and officerswho do not come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Previous Heritage Foundation research demonstrated that the quality of enlisted troops has increased since the start of the Iraq war. This report demonstrates that the same is true of the officer corps.
Members of the all-volunteer military are significantly more likely to come from high-income neighborhoods than from low-income neighborhoods. Only 11 percent of enlisted recruits in 2007 came from the poorest one-fifth (quintile) of neighborhoods, while 25 percent came from the wealthiest quintile. These trends are even more pronounced in the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, in which 40 percent of enrollees come from the wealthiest neighborhoods—a number that has increased substantially over the past four years.
American soldiers are more educated than their peers. A little more than 1 percent of enlisted personnel lack a high school degree, compared to 21 percent of men 18–24 years old, and 95 percent of officer accessions have at least a bachelor’s degree.Contrary to conventional wisdom, minorities are not overrepresented in military service. Enlisted troops are somewhat more likely to be white or black than their non-military peers. Whites are proportionately represented in the officer corps, and blacks are overrepresented, but their rate of overrepresentation has declined each year from 2004 to 2007. New recruits are also disproportionately likely to come from the South, which is in line with the history of Southern military tradition.
The facts do not support the belief that many American soldiers volunteer because society offers them few other opportunities. The average enlisted person or officer could have had lucrative career opportunities in the private sector. Those who argue that American soldiers risk their lives because they have no other opportunities belittle the personal sacrifices of those who serve out of love for their country.
Labels: Army Stuff
Where does the F-35 / F-105 comparison come close? Those that believe there is a comparison say weight and wing-loading: Lots of it when you load up the F-35 design. Yet there are some other comparisons: Long development time. For the F-105, a very long way to get from the drawing board to operational capability. And like the F-35, an over-sell in it's ability. Here early fielding of the F-105 chalked up 125 maintenance man-hours per flight hour because of all of the untried Buck Rogers avionics. Today, the F-35 is a long way from proving it is easier to maintain than an F-16.
Labels: Idiots
Labels: Duran Duran, WTF Video
Considering that Sadr's toadies spent a considerable amount of time looting, plotting and killing innocent Iraqi civilians as well as Americans...these frecking tools can kiss my ass.
If they love Sadr so much, they need to pack their ass up and head for Sadr City. I'm sure the Madi Army will welcome them with open arms. Open arms and a dull knife to slit their throat with.
Useful Idiots is too mild a term for these clowns.
The picture and more coverage of frecking idiots on parade can be found HERE
Labels: Idiots
Labels: Idiots
Labels: WTF Video
Labels: Army Humor
Labels: Global War on Terror, Idiots
Labels: Cool Stuff, USAF
Labels: WTF Video
Labels: WTF Video
Labels: WTF Video
Labels: WTF Video
Kelly Monaco, Playboy Playmate, Soap Opera star and winner of the first "Dancing With the Stars" is the Girl Friday for this Friday the 22nd of August 2008.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Labels: Girl Friday, Hot Chicks, Kelly Monaco
Commentary: Farewell to an American hero
By Joseph L. Galloway McClatchy Newspapers
For the better part of 60 years, two old Army pilots who loved each other argued over many a meal and drink as to which of them was the second best pilot in the world.
The two shared the cockpits of old Beaver prop planes and Huey helicopters; they shared rooms in military hooches all over the world; they shared a love of practical and impractical jokes and they shared an undying love of flying and soldiers and the Army.
They also shared membership in a very small and revered fraternity of fewer than 105 men who are entitled to wear around their necks the light blue ribbon and gold pointed star that is the Medal of Honor, America’s highest decoration for heroism above and beyond the call of duty.
Their story was told in a book my buddy Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and I wrote 15 years ago titled "We Were Soldiers Once . . . and Young" and in the Mel Gibson movie, "We Were Soldiers," released in the spring of 2002. Too Tall and Old Snake were ably portrayed in the movie.
Their argument over which of them is the Best Pilot in the Whole World sadly came to an end this week when our friend and comrade-in-arms Maj. Ed (Too Tall to Fly) Freeman slipped the surly bonds of earth and headed off to Fiddler’s Green, where the souls of departed cavalrymen gather by dispensation of God Himself...
Let Bacchus' sons be not dismayed
But join with me, each jovial blade
Come, drink and sing and lend your aid
To help me with the chorus:
cho: Instead of spa, we'll drink brown ale
And pay the reckoning on the nail;
No man for debt shall go to jail
From Garryowen in glory.
We'll beat the bailiffs out of fun,
We'll make the mayor and sheriffs run
We are the boys no man dares dun
If he regards a whole skin.
Our hearts so stout have got no fame
For soon 'tis known from whence we came
Where'er we go they fear the name
Of Garryowen in glory.
Here's the 7th CAV version:
We are the pride of the army,
And a regiment of great renown,
Our name’s on the pages of history,
From sixty six on down.
If you think we stop or falter,
While into the fray we’re goin’
Just watch the step with our heads erect
When our band plays "Garry Owen."
In the Fighting Seventh’s the place for me.
It’s the cream of all the cavalry;
No other regiment ever can claim
It’s pride, honor, glory, and undying fame.
We know no fear when stern duty
Calls us far away from home,
Our country’s flag shall sagely o’er us wave,
No matter where we roam.
T’is the gallant Seventh Cavalry,
It matters not where we’re goin’
such you’ll surely say as we march away,
When our band plays "Garry Owen."
Then hurrah for our brave commanders!
Who lead us into the fight.
We’ll do or die in our country’s cause.
And battle for the right.
And when the war is o’er
And to our home we’re goin’
Just watch the step, with our head erect,
When our band plays, "Garry Owen."
Labels: Real Heroes
Labels: WTF Video
McCain on bin Laden
Sen. John McCain laid down a policy marker on the seven-year hunt for al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in his recent interview with the Rev. Rick Warren that resonated with several U.S. officials who viewed Mr. McCain's comments as tacit criticism of the Bush administration.
Asked about his view of evil, Mr. McCain, the expected Republican presidential nominee, said on Sunday that "one, if I'm president of the United States, my friends, if I have to follow him to the gates of hell, I will get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice."
"I will do that, and I know how to do it. I will get that guy," he said. "No one, no one should be allowed to take thousands of innocent American lives."
Sen. Barack Obama...(noted) that "evil does exist... and I think it has to be confronted." However, he called for "humility" in confronting evil because "you know, a lot of evil has been perpetrated based on the claim that we were trying to confront evil."
Labels: national defense
Idaho veteran of three wars, Medal of Honor hero dies
Among those who visited Ed Freeman in a Boise hospital were those he had saved.
Edition Date: 08/21/08
As Ed "Too Tall" Freeman lay ill in a Boise hospital over the past few weeks, many came to pay their respects to the 80-year-old national war hero and former helicopter pilot.
One unexpected visitor offered a very personal thank you to Freeman, a veteran of three wars and recipient of the highest military award - the Congressional Medal of Honor - for his actions on Nov. 14, 1965, at Landing Zone X-Ray, Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam.
"A guy came into the hospital and said, 'You don't know me, but I was one of those people you hauled out of the X-Ray,'" said Mike Freeman, 54, one of Ed's two sons. "He said, 'Thanks for my life.'
Labels: Real Heroes
Bill Murray jumps with Golden Knights
The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Aug 19, 2008 10:46:31 EDT
CHICAGO — Bill Murray landed in Chicago on Friday like he never had before — by jumping from an airplane 13,500 feet up. The 57-year-old actor took several deep breaths before stepping out the open doors of a C-31 Fokker and dropping at about 120 mph to the city’s lakefront with members of the Army Golden Knights Parachute Team.
An exuberant Murray, whose jump kicked off the 50th Chicago Air and Water Show, landed safely on a beach. The actor pretended for a moment to stagger as if dizzy, then smiled broadly, waved to the crowd and shook hands with some of the Golden Knights.
Friends asked Murray to participate in the show, which features demonstrations and performances in the air and on Lake Michigan, to support the Illinois United Service Organizations.
But he wasn’t so certain of his reason to jump moments before he boarded the plane on a perfect 73 degree day at an Indiana airport 25 miles from Chicago. Members of the Navy Blue Angels also prepared nearby for the show, which runs through Sunday.
“It seemed like a good idea at a time,” Murray said. “I’ve had second thoughts, believe me. I’ve been really nervous. All the jokes (from friends) involve death.”
Labels: Bill Murray, Cool Stuff, Pilar Lastra
Fantastic film. As someone that feels that this 2000 Election forever fucked America – this film doesn’t overly skew to Democrats – but it does put a magnifying glass on a really fucked up nightmarish clown show of an election procedure in the limp dick of the United States. The film makes me so fucking angry, but I’m giving my copy to someone else, because if you watch this film too many times – you’ll find yourself just a bitter pissy bastard that does nothing but looking back and dreaming of a different world. Would the World Trade Center still be standing with a different President? Would our Economy still be in the shitter? Would we be at War in two countries? All of this might have happened under Al’s watch, but I don’t think so. I think we would be better served to concentrate on the current election and make sure that we don’t get more of the same that we’ve had for the last 8 years. And by the way – this is a fantastic film!
Labels: Idiots
Warners whips up Banana Splits
Classic kiddie show gets a modern makeover
'The Banana Splits'
Warners consumer products division has whipped up a new version of the Banana Splits.
Hanna-Barbera’s 1960s phenom is returning in a multiplatform effort starting Sept. 2, with shorts and musicvideos airing on Cartoon Network and its website. Future efforts will include DVD and audio CD releases, as well as live performances.
Turner Animation’s Stu Snyder noted that the Splits have “been entertaining kids for years,” but the return of the property will capitalize on boomer nostalgia as well. “Go Bananas Your Way,” the new Splits album, is “intended to appeal to kids and parents,” according to the release...
Labels: Hot Chicks
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets, USAF
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets, USAF
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets
Labels: Army Stuff
Why Victory in Iraq Matters
Because what happens in Samarra, doesn’t stay in Samarra
By Pete Hegseth
Samarra, Iraq — The second most refreshing thing about this latest visit back to Iraq — aside from spending time with soldiers — is the respite from the never-ending drumbeat of election coverage. In my week with combat troops, I didn’t hear the names “Obama” or “McCain” once: the “who won the week?” nonsense that dominates cable news stateside doesn’t matter over here. Fighting America’s radical enemies wipes away the pettiness that impoverishes our domestic political debate — “who wins the war?” consumes those over here, not Paris Hilton or George Clooney.
What I’ve seen in Samarra, and what is happening throughout Iraq, is enough to make Americans of either party proud. After years of getting it wrong — or at best, only partly correct — in Iraq, today we are winning the war and setting the conditions for an enduring peace in that country, even in perpetual al Qaeda cesspools like Samarra. Faced with a determined enemy, hell-bent on bringing America to her knees in Mesopotamia, American military will, adaptability, and might are carrying the day...
Labels: Iraq
Y'all have a great weekend!
Labels: Girl Friday, Hot Chicks, Valerie Mason
Labels: Humor
Labels: Hot Chicks
Soldier's order for day: Step forward, win gold
By JEROME SOLOMON Chronicle Olympic Bureau
Aug. 13, 2008, 6:06AM
BEIJING — Not long ago, Master Sgt. Dave Easterbrooks, serving in Iraq, delivered a strong message to Pfc. Glenn Eller, Olympic dreamer.
"He told me that amateurs train till they get it right, professionals train till they never get it wrong — go kick their (behind)," an excited Eller said, not long after he had done just that, setting an Olympic record with a resounding gold-medal performance in double trap shooting Tuesday at the Olympic Games.
When it comes to the United States Army, there are times when our way of life depends on the men and women of the armed forces kicking some serious you know what.
Eller is an Army shooter, but he shoots clay targets, not people, with a shotgun.
While Eller, a 26-year-old from Katy, has been training to become an Olympic hero, some of the enlistees he shared sweat and tears with through basic training have been fighting overseas.
We love to say an athlete or team — one that is focused, won't be denied — is on a mission.
Well, with Eller, that is more than a writing cliché. It is fact.
He was on a mission. Basically, he was under direct orders to become a champion: Bring home the gold for the United States.
"Being a soldier in the U.S. Army, I do what is expected of me," Eller said. "And they asked me to come to Beijing and win the gold...
Labels: Army Stuff
Labels: Entertainment
Astros should consider bringing in Bonds
By RICHARD JUSTICE Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle
Aug. 11, 2008, 12:50AM
Hello, Barry, this is Drayton. Are you ready to be a champion?
The Astros need a left fielder. I know the name of a good one. He’s rested and ready. He’ll bring a buzz to the ballpark, too. He would suddenly make the Astros baseball’s most interesting team.
What’s wrong with having a little buzz? Why should the Dallas Cowboys have all the fun?
Barry Lamar Bonds would be a perfect fit for the Astros. Is there one good reason not to sign him?
No, there’s not. Oh sure, some people don’t like him. These are people that don’t know him, but still.
To say such a thing presumes you know the players on the team now. You don’t know them. You can pretend to know them, but you don’t.
Baseball is a bottom-line business. Bonds would make the Astros better. If Drayton McLane really and truly wants to be a champion, he’d bring in the best offensive player on earth.
Our local nine has been winning. Just as the team is closing in on .500, one of its two best players, Carlos Lee, goes down with a broken finger.
Labels: Baseball, Houston Astros, Idiots
SEATTLE (AP) — A 6-foot-tall, 250-pound mail carrier wants the U.S. Postal Service to add kilts as a uniform option for men.
The idea was defeated in July at a convention of the 220,000-member National Letter Carriers' Association, but Dean Peterson says he is not giving up — and he has his supporters.
Peterson, a resident of Lacey, Washington, spent $1,800 to mail about 1,000 letters and photographs of him wearing a prototype Postal Service kilt — or what he refers to as an 'unbifurcated garment' — to union branches in every U.S. state, Guam and Puerto Rico.
"Unbifurcated Garments are far more comfortable and suitable to male anatomy than trousers or shorts because they don't confine the legs or cramp the male genitals the way that trousers or shorts do," he wrote. "Please open your hearts — and inseams — for an option in mail carrier comfort!"
With his build, Peterson said, his thighs fill slacks to capacity.
Labels: My Dad
Flying drones from halfway across the world used to be considered a cushy, if somewhat sterile, military job. But the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have gone on for so long -- and become so dependent on the satellite-piloted planes -- that Air Force commanders have had to call in chaplains, psychologists and psychiatrists "to help ease the mental strain on these remote-control warriors," the Associated Press reports.
Just a few years ago, pilots of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) crowed that "most of the time, I get to fight the war, and go home and see the wife and kids at night." Since then, the demands for remotely-flown spy planes have grown exponentially. Pilots' hours grew longer and longer. And they started to compare themselves to "prisoner[s] with [l]ife sentence[s]."
That's taking things to a whiny extreme. The chair-bound flyboys still have it pretty good, compared to the grunts of the Army or the Marines: No 15-month tours, no crappy rations, no chance of them or their friends getting blown up. But the constant back-and-forth between war and peace isn't without its unique strains. "It is quite different, going from potentially shooting a missile, then going to your kid's soccer game," sighs Lt. Col. Michael Lenahan...
Remote-control warriors suffer battle stress at a distance
Psychologists, chaplains ease mental strain
By Scott Lindlaw
Associated Press / August 8, 2008
MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE, Calif. - The Air National Guardsmen who operate Predator drones over Iraq via remote control, launching deadly missile attacks from the safety of Southern California 7,000 miles away, are suffering some of the same psychological stresses as their comrades on the battlefield.
Labels: Global War on Terror, Iraq, USAF
Labels: Iraq, The Movies
Labels: Girl Friday, Hot Chicks, Pilar Lastra
A FOX News cameraman helped save the life of an injured Marine in Afghanistan — and was injured himself — when the armored Humvee convoy he was traveling in was struck by a roadside bomb Sunday night in the Helmand province, a Taliban stronghold.
Two U.S. Marines were badly injured when the improvised explosive device detonated near their convoy. Though FOX News cameraman Chris Jackson was injured in the blast, he went back to the burning vehicle to rescue one of the Marines.
Labels: Global War on Terror, Real Heroes
The "Blue Angels of Death" are precision-strike fighter killing machines and the aerobatics shows are military psychological war dressed up as breathtaking-eardrum shattering technical bravado to whip up patriotic support for war-making and slaughtering.
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets
Labels: Hot Chicks, Supporting the Military
Labels: Girl Friday, Hot Chicks, Sasckya Porto