Shake And Bake...
Yes, they thought of movie quotes in the middle of combat.
"That just happened."
H/T The Ace of Spades
Labels: JDAM, Movie Trivia
If you were a hot dog and you were starving...would you eat yourself? Anything I have to say here are my opinions and does NOT represent official US Government or Army policy.
Labels: JDAM, Movie Trivia
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets, USN
Becky Hammon grew up in the Midwest, where American values and patriotism run high. She plays guard for the WNBA's San Antonio Silver Stars, and at the ripe old age of thirty one years old, is still chasing her dream.
In her off season, she plays for a professional basketball team in Moscow, Russia. So far, no big deal. Because she has worked over in Russia for an extended amount of time, she was given citizenship status. And here is where it starts to get a little murky.
Becky's dream has always been to play in the Olympics. At her age, she knows Beijing is her last shot at that dream. So when Russia asked her to be a member of their National Basketball team and represent them in the Olympics, she said yes.
She was asked to try out for the US team after she said yes to the Russians and their seven figure contract, but has made the decision to play point guard for the Russians.
Keep in mind, she speaks little Russian and has no Russian in her bloodlines. She is 100% American, a native of Rapid City, South Dakota and a Colorado State graduate. her basketball jersey is the #2 selling jersey, right behind Lisa Leslie's jersey.
Anne Donovan, the coach of the women's basketball team, has called her a "traitor."
Labels: USA
The first flight you take in flight school is commonly known as the “Nickel Flight”. This is because it is ungraded, reminiscent of the little nickel rides in front of a grocery store, and a way for underpaid instructor pilots to make a little money on the side. That first day we met our instructor pilots, mostly a crusty bunch of ex-Vietnam guys who have more time preflighting than I had years on earth. My guy however was a mid thirties former Blackhawk pilot named Jim (we used his last name, but I’m leaving that out.) Jim was a laid back guy with a good healthy perverted sense of humor, and I knew we’d get along just fine. Also along was my “stick buddy” who is the person you learn to fly with. The helicopter we learned on was the TH-67 Bell Jet ranger, painted in bright orange colors to let all who gaze upon you know that you are a danger in the skies, and to avoid you at all costs.
The day starts with some classroom time, and Jim takes a bit to ask us some questions about the helicopter and its’ emergency procedures. We’d spent the last two weeks learning all there was to know about the working of this bird and I knew there was nothing I could be caught off guard about. The one thing they didn’t teach me that I quickly mastered was “the blank stare” which I gave a lot those first few days. Apparently there was a lot I didn’t know or remember… After a while Jim got tired of asking Amy and I random questions about such complicated things as “how does the helicopter fly” only to be greeted with said blank stare, so we headed out to the flight line. The helicopters are parked all over the airfield in nice neat lines, and the most junior pilots get the ones farthest away, so we got the keys and logs and headed to our steed.
Labels: Army Humor, Helicopters
There is no way someone can convince me that going to war to stop a tyrannical murderer from killing his own countrymen or threatening other countries is a bad thing. It is a shame that people have to die to make that change, but it is part of stopping evil and his evil, sadistic sons. I am sorry that people, American, Iraqi and others, died and will die in this war. I'm even sorrier that the great people of America didn't step up sooner to stop the deaths of multitudes more who died for absolutely no reason other than to satisfy one man's desire to gain and retain power. But if you feel so strongly that people dying is so horrible that you must hold the leader of the country in disdain, then where was your disdain for Saddam? And why aren't you rejoicing that he's no longer gassing his own citizens and allowing his sons to rape and murder for fun? Your double standard disgusts me.
I have seen with my own eyes the horrors of killing and death, and I hate it more than anything else, but I still believe that some things are worth fighting for... and if you aren't willing to fight, and die if necessary, for something then you don't deserve the rights and privileges we take for granted as Americans.
And another thing...
If you happen to believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and that people deserve a fair shake in life and that those less fortunate sometimes need an extra boost, and that children are special no matter where they come from and that America is still a place that values hard work, self-determination, fair play and rooting for the underdog... well, then you are and I are more alike than different. I don't care if you call yourself liberal or conservative, democrat or republican or something else. It don't matter to me what race, religion, gender or any other whatnot that you may use to describe yourself with, if you believe what I described above and call yourself American, then you and me are the same.
And I love you all the more for it! So don't get hung up on labels and embrace being American, a citizen of the greatest country on the face of God's green earth!
Labels: Global War on Terror, Iraq
Yeah, that wasn't my era, but where are the "dames" like that today?
This is REALLY good animation...don't know where it came from, but this is good stuff...kinda cornball, but hey lets face it Marvel Comics always were a little cheesy. Sure beats the HELL out of those old Spiderman cartoons though. Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can...
Labels: Cool Stuff, Hot Chicks
Labels: Old TV
host Jon Stewart proceeded to question her about Iraqi violence not getting enough media coverage. The Comedy Central anchor queried, "Have we lost our humanity with this entire situation?" "Yeah, we have," Logan agreed...
...Logan, who in late 2007, complained to "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno that "we're doing extremely badly" in Iraq, also used her appearance on the program to bash First Lady Laura Bush. After dismissing "armchair academics" who don't really know what the situation is like in Afghanistan or Iraq, she scolded, "See Laura Bush saying this is my third time in Afghanistan. She doesn't mention that she was only there for a few seconds..." When Stewart wondered if such individuals might not really be looking for the truth of the situation, Logan playfully shrugged her shoulders.
The reporter, who has made several trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, repeatedly implied that very few have the understanding she has about the Middle East. After agreeing with Stewart's assessment that Americans have lost their humanity over the situation in Iraq, Logan made this statement about reporting bad news:
LARA LOGAN: You know, I was asked once do you feel responsible for the American public having a bad view, a negative view of the war in Iraq? And I looked at the reporter and I said tell me the last time you saw the body of a dead American soldier. What does that look like? Who in America knows what that looks like? 'Cause I know what that looks like. And I feel responsible for the fact that no one else does.
Career soldier answers call of duty
Posted on: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 11:54 PM
By Bill Begley
Killeen Daily Herald
WEST FORT HOOD - Deployments are nothing new for Chief Warrant Officer-5
Lance McElhiney.
He's been going through them for nearly 40 years.
"The kids change," McElhiney said Tuesday while waiting to head to Iraq with
more than 250 4th Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade soldiers. "The
faces change. They get younger." With reason.
McElhiney, the senior instructor pilot at Fort Hood, also is the senior
chief warrant officer-5 in the Army.
His first deployment came in 1970, when he went to Southeast Asia with the
101st Airborne Division as a gunner and co-pilot on the first attack
helicopter in the world - the AH-1G Cobra - during the Vietnam War.
It was the first taste of combat for a career soldier who also took part in
the invasion of Laos - a campaign that saw him shot down three times in a
span of three days, earn a Purple Heart while providing close air support
for ground troops and later earn the Distinguished Flying Cross for
assisting in the rescue of Special Forces troops.
After that came action in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, when he
volunteered to deploy with the 2-229th Flying Tigers, and action during
Operation Iraqi Freedom I and II.
At 60, he is the Army's senior Longbow pilot, and will replace his son,
David Lynn, as the standardization instructor pilot in Iraq.
"There is no way I could train these guys how to fly using tactics that I
learned in Vietnam and not go out and show them how to do it," he said. "I
am not built that way."
That's why, more than 30 years after first seeing combat in Vietnam,
McElhiney found himself back in the mix again, flying in fierce combat
during the Army's rugged push through the Karbala Gap before taking Baghdad
in April 2003...
...The only Army pilot honored last month at the "Gathering of Eagles," an
annual aviation event hosted by the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell
Air Force Base in Alabama, McElhiney has been there - repeatedly - and said
the value of experience is something that cannot be measured.
Labels: Army Stuff, Iraq
Labels: Idiots
In the wake of the U.S. Air Force leadership shake up, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is directing the service to field six more Predator combat air patrols (CAPs), as well as more Reapers to support operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The order comes shortly after Gates’ first briefing from the new Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Task Force June 6. He set up the task force in April, explaining during a speech at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., that getting warfighting support from institutional military — namely, the Air Force — was “like pulling teeth.”
A lack of support for the ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was one of several reasons cited by insiders and observers for his abrupt ousting of Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley.
While DOD is looking across the services for ISR support, the Air Force’s immediate task is to field more Predators and Reapers, which provide much-desired full-motion video to operators on the ground. The Air Force has fielded 25 Predator MQ-1B CAPs — each including four air vehicles plus ground control and support — as of this month. Gates is directing that six more be fielded by December, a military official says...
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets
Labels: Army Stuff, Iraq
In the comments some guy (who has obviously been huffing canned air) said this:
Best cheer leading outfits in the league hands down. I don't want to hear it from the Cowboys fans either. I love the Cowboys cheerleaders but the uni's aren't better than these. Now if we could only keep Donovan healthy.....Glad to see my team supporting the troops. Showing some of that "City of Brotherly Love" spirit right there.
The original and still the best. Even if the team and owner suck the cheerleaders still kick ass.
Here some video from one of their trips to entertain the troops
what the man is out there right now and i have to bear watching this...whats the point of that shit....whats next puttin up whore houses on their camps?that makes me sick...
fromramsteinafb We've got one screwed government, allowing such foolish things to take place while a large part of our men over there, have wifes over in the states.
As it is, it is very hard for us back in the states to be without them, holding things down and always worried about possibilities make it hard on us.
Making it easier to arouse our men by what they C. When it being hard enough being apart for long time.
The ones ignorant enough to allow this for our men, try'n make an excuse 4 their hormones
Labels: Dallas Cowboys, Hot Chicks, Iraq
Labels: Girl Friday, Hot Chicks, Kelly Monaco
Adam Sage in Saint Pierre de Varengeville-Duclair
The names “Thomas and Dorothy” were carved in the bark of one trunk. Another said “Bob and Carma”. Other trees were marked with soldiers’ home states - Iowa, Maine or Alabama - and several bore hearts and the names or initials of a wife or girlfriend.
The beech trees of Saint Pierre de Varengeville-Duclair forest bore a poignant testimony to the D-Day landings for more than six decades. Thousands of American soldiers stationed there after the liberation of Normandy spent their spare hours with a knife or bayonet creating a lasting reminder of their presence.
Although the trees grew and the graffiti swelled and twisted, this most peculiar memory of one of the 20th century’s defining moments remained visible - until now. Amid bureaucratic indifference and a dispute between officials and the forest owner, most of the trees have been felled, chopped up and turned into paper.
Labels: Real Heroes, WWII
Lockheed Martin has flown the first short-take-off-and- vertical-landing (STOVL) F-35B, in conventional-take-off (CTOL) mode, clearing the way for funding to be released for production of the first six U.S. Marine Corps aircraft.
The 44-minute flight of aircraft BF-1, the first production-representive F-35, from Lockheed’s Fort Worth, Texas, plant also marked the start of a five-year, 5,000-plus test program involving three variants of the Joint Strike Fighter: the CTOL F-35A, STOVL F-35B and aircraft carrier-capable F-35C.
F-35B lead test pilot Graham Tomlinson, from JSF industrial partner BAE Systems, says the first flight went “absolutely to plan.” Flight-testing is beginning in CTOL mode, with STOVL testing now scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2009.
The aircraft was flown with gear down at speeds up to 230 knots and 15,000 feet altitude to assess handling qualities. The gear will be retracted on the second flight. Tomlinson says BF-1 flies “very similarly” to aircraft AA-1, the first F-35, with some enhancing features, including dual nose-gear doors to improve directional stability and improved flight control on touchdown. “The aircraft lands itself,” he says.
First flight of BF-1 is one of two milestones required for the award of a $1.3 billion contract for the first six low-rate-initial-production F-35Bs. Marine Brig. Gen. David Heinz, deputy head of the Joint Strike Fighter program office, says the contract should be awarded after Pentagon acquisition chief John Young has been briefed on resolution of blade-failure issues with the STOVL version of Pratt & Whitney’s F135 engine.
Despite the engine problems, the first flight was within weeks of the late May date committed to in August 2006, Heinz says. Although a delay of 30 to 60 days had been predicted after turbine blade failures in two STOVL F135s during ground testing in 2007, “we came in two weeks in front of that,” he says.
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets
Labels: Global War on Terror, USAF
Labels: Hot Chicks, Old TV
Fallujah was an intense, bloody, personal battle. Just as Somalia (Blackhawk Down) defined a generation of Army Rangers, Fallujah created a special breed of Marine for the 21st Century, one schooled in hand-to-hand combat and urban warfare.
Labels: Iraq
Labels: Real Heroes
Labels: Crista Nicole, Girl Friday, Hot Chicks
Labels: Idiots
...starring as, The Green Hornet. OOOOKAY, if you say so.
Now I'm not a big fan of the story but having a passing aquaintance with the "Green Hornet", I'm pretty sure he was a crime fighter, who kicked ass along with Kato.
More on this story was found HERE.
I guess I wish him all the luck in the me skeptical, but the only thing I see him taking on is a bag of weed and a six pack. I guess we will see.
Labels: The Movies
My Pet Goat writes: Thursday, May, 29, 2008 9:55 AM
God in Heaven!
This over grown frat boy never ceases to embarrass us before the world!!! He looks like an absolute idiot in this photo! Almost as bad and the back rub on Chancellor Merkel.
Please, God, make this end soon!!!!!
Kimberly writes: Thursday, May, 29, 2008 10:13 AM
Statesman? More like Buffoon
Good God, what is Bush doing in this photo? What a ridiculous frat boy
Labels: Hot Chicks
You see the USAF is good for something after all.
Labels: Cool Stuff, Fast Jets, USAF