WTF, Over?!?

WTF! I spotted this bumper sticker on a car in our parking lot at work (for those who don't know I'm in the Army). We share our parking lot with two different other units one of them National Guard, so I don't know who it belongs to, don't care...I'm just totally baffled by it. The car had 3 other anti GWB stickers as well...I couldn't find them on the web (honestly I devoted about 30 seconds trying to find them...I cared that much!), but they were similar in content. In the year 2006 one would assume if you felt that way and you were in the military you either joined knowing this war was going on and knowing that you would be sent to fight in something you didn't believe in (WTF?!?) or you choose to stay in even though you believe the President is an idiot and the war is wrong (once again WTF?!?). It's possible that the car belonged to a civilian contractor, so I won't even go to the entire UCMJ thing about contemptuous statements about the President and such...but even if it was a contractor...they are making money off the military which is engaged in a war they obviously don't agree with, but they are enabling it. (WTF?!?) Also the car had a Texas license plate so could it be that the idiot is the one driving...just wondering.

WTF! You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. Hey, unless you're married to her, there's not too many people that want to she a nekid pregnant woman...even if you are married to her, some people would rather not partake. And didn't Demi (Ashton's Mom) Moore do this already? Shouldn't she be crying on Matt Lauer's shoulder right now zbout being hounded by the press or something? WTF?!?