What Really is a STUNT?
It has been reported by several news organizations that several members of the political party known as the democrats have portrayed the strike that killed Zarqawi as a STUNT
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What is obvious to most people that aren't terrorists, is the killing of this scum is not just good news it's great news. It is really sad that some individuals quest for power and hate for the President of the United States would cause them to downplay and undermine at every step the efforts not only of this administration but the armed forces of the United States to safeguard the people of this nation...what will it take for these people to get on board? Oh yeah, they will be all for these type of actions when a person from their party takes charge.
It's not just despicable, it violates the oath they took when they assumed office...but hey those are just words who gives a crap about that whole "protect and defend" thing...did I say those are just words? It would be really funny if it weren't true...kinda makes me want to slap a cop and run through a security checkpoint. But of course I can never get away with that, I'm not a member of congress. WORTHLESS BASTARDS.
Actually I apologize for that last part. I shouldn't be calling members of congress "worthless bastards" as that is an insult to bastards everywhere.
Here's a quick lesson...free of charge!


What is obvious to most people that aren't terrorists, is the killing of this scum is not just good news it's great news. It is really sad that some individuals quest for power and hate for the President of the United States would cause them to downplay and undermine at every step the efforts not only of this administration but the armed forces of the United States to safeguard the people of this nation...what will it take for these people to get on board? Oh yeah, they will be all for these type of actions when a person from their party takes charge.
It's not just despicable, it violates the oath they took when they assumed office...but hey those are just words who gives a crap about that whole "protect and defend" thing...did I say those are just words? It would be really funny if it weren't true...kinda makes me want to slap a cop and run through a security checkpoint. But of course I can never get away with that, I'm not a member of congress. WORTHLESS BASTARDS.
Actually I apologize for that last part. I shouldn't be calling members of congress "worthless bastards" as that is an insult to bastards everywhere.
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