Now She Has A Gun!

Eva's back and she's pimping her new movie...she also is quite the shot (if we take her word for it) From NEWSWEEK
May 1, 2006 issue - Q&A: Eva Longoria
That desperate housewife Eva Longoria is trading in her yoga mat for a gun in "The Sentinel." As her hair was being done, she chatted with NEWSWEEK's Nicki Gostin.
I heard you're a really good shot.
I grew up on a ranch, and my dad educated us really early about guns. We've been target-shooting since I was 5. We had boxes of bull's-eye paper.
Did you hunt and skin animals?
Yeah, but I don't want to talk about that too much because I've gotten calls from PETA. It's part of my upbringing. We didn't do it for cruelty. That's how we had dinner! We skinned our dinner.
So you really are a good shot.
Yes, I shot better than 90 percent of the police officers in the country. When we did Secret Service training, all my shots were dead on. Kiefer's were a little spread out, and Michael Douglas's were not even on the paper. They were everywhere.
I didn't know there was some master database that one could go to so actors could quantify their firearms expertise. I'm sure someone told her this to suck up, although I have no trouble believing she shot better than the guys...someone is going to have a cow that she bested "Jack Bauer". Next thing you know she'll be shooting in competition with the folks at the Texican Tattler...but don't hold your breath.
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