Welcome Boston Globe Readers...

My little blog was quoted in the Boston Globe today.
They said,"One man, describing himself as a helicopter pilot, ''Outlaw 13," who posts on guidons.blogspot.com, wrote that ''a lot of folks in the head shed have heartburn with" Rumsfeld."
This was pulled from this ,POST :"It seems to me that a lot of folks in the head shed have heartburn with the SECDEF."
Which was preceded by this paragraph: "I am currently reading the book Cobra II, and while I've skipped ahead and read the chapter about OBJ RAMS and the shoot-down of Vampire 13 (which I must say, was well researched and fairly accurate by all accounts), the opening chapter reads like an OP/ED piece in your standard major east coast newspaper (which could be because one of the authors writes for the NY Times). These gentlemen pretend to get inside the heads of all the major players in the GWOT and make some bold statements about the motives and reasons about why things were done they way they were at the beginning of the war. Needless to say there is a lot of finger pointing going on by people who should know better."
To top it off I posted this in March about a book called "COBRA II"...long before the current SECDEF versus the Retired General panty twisting contest.
I have never been inside the Pentagon, I've got no inside info about what currently serving GO's might be thinking about the SECDEF, and it constantly amazes me that there are people out there who actually believe that everyone in the US Army believes and feels exactly the same way about everything to do with the war. It would truly be shocking if no one actually disagreed with how the SECDEF was doing his job.
Bottom line all this crap is just talk and will accomplish nothing other than give the politicians something else to scrap about and maybe give some Hajji hope that we are about to fall apart and quit.
Labels: The Press
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