She's at it AGAIN!?!

FRIDAY 21 APRIL UPDATE!!: The evilness of this woman's plan has now become apparent to me...she has a movie coming out today...and I've have fallen for this sham. I feel so USED. The shame of it all.
Eva is at IT again!
Yes she's a beauty, but Longoria has brains too (NO SHIT?!?...And I thought she had been lobotomized)
Mon Apr 17, 2006 08:19 AM ET
By Bob Tourtellotte
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Eva Longoria is annoyed. The Latina beauty on hit television show "Desperate Housewives" is bugged by all the newspaper, magazine and Web gossip about her sex life when there are more important issues to think about.
She is as comfortable talking about U.S. immigration policy and the plight of migrant farm workers as she is having her bikini-clad body on a mega-sized magazine cover spread out in the Nevada desert so that it can be seen from outer space.
Longoria, 31, is a beauty, but her brain is big, too and she wants folks to know it. So when the media focuses on her sex life with boyfriend Tony Parker, as happened last month, Longoria gets irritated. (Not nearly as irritated as us...or I would bet Mr. Parker after you decided to spew about your "relationship")
Once again for all those aspiring models and actresses out there...when someone gives you a bikini (see picture above) and pays you to appear in a magazine...they aren't paying you for your intellect. It's nice that you're smart and all...but frankly the readers of MAXIM or STUFF could give a rats ass about your views on illegal immigration (by the way GWB agrees with your point of view you twit...quit parroting the party line it doesn't really support your smart person act).
So try and realize how the gravy train works...we aren't interested in what you think we just want to look at your (insert favorite body part here). You can talk about how much you love puppies, wild flowers etc. and how hot you find men in uniform...other than that keep your big yap shut...your career will thank me for it.
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