Hello Detroit Free Press Readers!

I just noticed I have a link on a story about Blogs and the SECDEF in the Detroit Free Press on line edition...don't know about the paper itself.
I get the feeling that whomever pasted that link on there, hasn't ever read my blog. For the most part I try to stay non political and remarks I've made about the current dust up are/were my impression that some former GO's have gotten their panties in a bunch because the SECDEF has probably treated them to the same leadership style as these GOs used on their subordinates over the years.
Additionally for someone to believe that everyone in the military would march in lockstep for going on 5 years now about the way the GWOT has been run is ridiculous. Especially given that during the same time the SECDEF has been transforming the DOD moving it toward something that is diametrically opposed to the way things have been done in the past.
Anyway...enjoy yourself, don't expect too many shattering relivations around here. If you would like something more biting try COUNTERCOLUMN or ROFASIX.
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