The World We Live In...

It's interesting the things you find out, sometimes, without even meaning to. I posted a little story about some out of control teenagers in Texas the other day and my traffic increased by ten times. More than likely because I used the title Cheerleaders Gone Wild...without the exclamation point. I posted no pictures, no lurid details of any shenanigans evil or otherwise...I really didn't even add much commentary. My only real interest is that I am from Texas and I went to high school in Texas and I can understand the football culture pretty well because I had seen it first hand. On the other hand there WAS discipline in my high school, and it's sad to see how out of control some places have gotten...for whatever reason.
That being said it is interesting how my traffic increased ten fold just because I had a post hinting at hot cheerleader action. I hadn't imagined that cheerleders were that popular amongst the population at large. Yeah, I knew they were popular in High School, but who knew that many people were searching the internet looking for pictures of cheerleaders in a "condom's to-go store"...also known as the AAFES in my trailer park. For that matter who knew that people searched the internet for pictures of a nude Juliet Huddy...I get hits all the time on that one because I wrote about her and Kiran Chetry HERE.

(I saw Kiran on the TV in the TOC (that's the Tactical Operations Center for you non-military types...the Command Post if you will...the hub of all that is worth knowing, at least that's the way some people feel about it) the other day and she's still smokin' hot...better in my opinion than most of my "Girl Friday's"...sorry ladies it's true...but anyway.)
I would imagine if I had a post hinting at revealing military secrets my traffic wouldn't increase that much, if at all. Because, as we all know, hot half naked teenagers are much more interesting that national security...unless of course we had hot, naked, barely legal cheerleaders holding up top secret documents to cover their naughty bits...then we would have something...a crime...but it would be SOMETHING.
Labels: Hot Chicks, Humor, Pop Culture
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