BSG News

If you don't like spoilers or Battlestar Galactica don't read any further...but THIS Interview was published JAN 8 in the Chicago Tribune.
Enjoy or not.
Originally posted: January 8, 2007
What happens when 'Battlestar Galactica' returns? Does a major character die? Ron Moore and David Eick address the rumors
Speculation about a major character death has been rampant in the “Battlestar Galactica” world of late. (By the way, don't read further if you don't want to know more about upcoming "Battlestar" plots.")
Rumors abound that character will die in the second half of the Sci Fi drama’s third season, which kicks off Jan. 21. And much of the “who will it be” speculation centers on hotshot pilot Kara “Starbuck” Thrace.
In an exclusive interview, executive producers David Eick and Ron Moore say that a “profound” event involving Starbuck does occur a pivotal Season 3 episode called “Maelstrom” that is scheduled to air March 4. In fact, Moore says it “will be one of the most surprising things that’s happened in the history of the show so far.”
What happens to Thrace “will jump out and grab you,” Moore says.
To read the rest go HERE.
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