Flying Subs? Doesn't Anyone Remember Anything?!?

Via The Danger Room
This article from The Register
DARPA seeks Special Forces submersible aeroplane
Wet doesn't have to mean slow any more
By Lewis Page •
Posted in Government, 6th October 2008 14:58 GMT
Say what you like about the US military's technology planners, they don't flinch from a challenge. The latest ploy out of the American warboffinry machine is nothing less than an aircraft which can fly underwater.
The upcoming aerosubmarine plan was announced on Friday, under the rather uninspiring name "Submersible Aircraft". The idea, few regular readers will be surprised to hear, comes from DARPA* - the Pentagon wingnut-tech bureau, which is plainly looking to take the concept of flying below the radar literally to a whole new level...
Love the smart ass tone of the British author. Just for that, you limey prick we're going to make a flying sub and you won't be allowed to use there.
Labels: DARPA, Flying Subs, High Tech, Old TV
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