Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's A Sad, Sad Situation

Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes. My trailer here in the sandbox has a rather sizable collection of DVDs after spending 12 months here. Even back home, I try to see movies quite often. Which brings me to this disappointing piece of news:

Hollywood Hates the Troops
The slanders of Tim Robbins and Brian DePalma.
by The Scrapbook
08/31/2007 6:23:00 PM

"We've killed over 400,000 of their citizens." That's what actor Tim Robbins thinks U.S. troops have been doing in Iraq. He made the claim last week in an appearance on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher.

He's wrong, of course. American soldiers have not been slaughtering 300 Iraqis a day for the last four years. Even for one of Hollywood's most feculent personalities, this is an appalling slander of U.S. troops...

... Just as we were inclined to dismiss Robbins as a lonely voice of idiocy, news came of director Brian DePalma's Redacted, one of eight new movies about the Iraq War due out in the coming months, according to Reuters. "Inspired by one of the most serious crimes committed by American soldiers in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, it is a harrowing indictment of the conflict and spares the audience no brutality to get its message across."

While it's not really news that there are idiots running about in Hollywood (the newspaper's full of their stories), it is rather surprising that the people that fund the making of motion pictures would believe that the American movie going public would pay good money to go and watch this dreck. Of course I haven't seen it yet, so the acting may be superb, the cinematography breathtaking, but trash is trash. I could put my garbage inside a pretty box with a big beautiful bow on it and inside would still be filthy stinking rotten tripe. Unfortunately, that is how I view motion pictures that aim to portray our nations efforts and mine and my fellow soldiers actions as basically evil, as garbage, and the people who make these things are slanderers.

Could the movie be based on a true story? Of course they can and are. But isn't it interesting how when someone decides to make a film based on a true story, it's always the slimy worms and the worst of the military that they choose to show? That's why you'll never see a movie about Paul K. least not anytime soon. And the real sad and stupid thing at least as far as the movie industry is concerned, a movie about a soldier earning the Medal of Honor (done right), would make much more money than any of these vile anti-war propaganda pieces that are coming out...but it appears they don't even care about money. I guess that's how you can tell when someone is both rich and stupid.

H/T Libertas

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