Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Michael Yon had this to say about SF legend and American Hero GEN Wayne Downing, who passed away recently.

...“If it were easy, they wouldn’t need us Rangers, drive on.” — I just love it. I was never a Ranger, but people like Wayne Downing make me wish I had been. What is a man’s life worth if he will not defend his family, friends and country? Wayne Downing’s life was our treasure.

Read his whole tribute to a great American HERE

It's unfortunate that the news probably spent more time with stories about the latest Miss Thang out in Hollywood getting arrested for drunk driving or possession of coke than they did detailing the life of a man who did more for his country than 100 movie stars or football players ever could or have done.

If they did spend a few minutes discussing the heroes who have kept this nation free then we might not have quite so many people like this next guy...

This oxygen thief's name is A Whitney Brown. He used to be on SNL. I have watched that show quite a bit and although I recognize his name, I can't place anything in particular he did on that show...he must have been about as funny as he was in this video.

For those who weren't able to take this carp for more than a few seconds the fine folks at BLACKFIVE were kind enough to provide a transcript of some of the more vile things this asshat had to say. For instance...

You know you can adopt a kid for 15 dollars a month in Brazil or somewhere and you get pictures of them living their miserable lives. But I have paid hundreds of dollars in taxes over my lifetime, hundreds of dollars, and I don’t have so much as a single picture of an Iraqi child that I paid to have killed. It would be nice to just have something, you know, to remember them by.... a picture, a lock of hair, perhaps a necklace of ears...
So yes, I resent my support for the killing of Iraqis for which I get not even a memento or trophy. But do I still support the individual men and women who have given so much to serve their country?
No. I think they’re a bunch of idiots. I also think they’re morally retarded. Because they sign a contract that says they will kill whoever you tell me to kill. And that is morally retarded.
Friends, the most important moral decision a man makes in the course of a day is "Who am I going to kill today?"
That’s a decision you should agonize over, dream about, rehearse in your mind for hours, not just leave up to some hare-brained President you didn’t even vote for.
A man’s killing list is a very personal matter. It should be between him and those persistent voices in his head.
So to sum up, I don’t like our troops, I don’t like what they’re doing, I don’t like their fat, whining families, and yet, I support them. Thank God I live in a free country. Thank You.

Pretty pathetic stuff. Unfortunately there are more than a few people who feel exactly the same way as Mr. Brown does...so at least he's being honest.

Also, and equally unfortunate no matter what anyone says about the stupid idiotic things Mr. Brown opined...it won't change his mind or anyone else who believes the things that he does.

To be honest, everyone, including me who links his video and discusses his antics is more than likely playing right into this boobs hands.

Yeah, I can hear the conversations in places like NBC right now..."He's controversial, he's edgey...maybe we should give this funny-un-funny guy another shot."

I will refrain from swear words and threats of bodily harm against this boob because, while it may make some feel better ultimately it just lowers one to his level and like I read in a Porta Potty at NTC once, "Profanity is the linguistic crutch of the illiterate Mother F#@ker.

In the end it's an interesting contrast between a guy who gave everything for this country and a guy who couldn't care less and couldn't be more ungrateful. Sad but true...but I guess that's the way the world is sometimes.

I'll leave you with this video...
What Would Patton Say About Today?

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