Newspaper of Weasels
As seen in Michelle Malkin's BLOG...
By Michelle Malkin ยท July 16, 2006 08:13 AM
Which side are they on? The New York Times settles the question definitively with a hysterical, unreality-based lead editorial today recycling the BDS attacks on the War on Terror--but even more so with this disgusting pictorial tribute to Iraqi terrorists killing American soldiers, spotted by the vigilant Charles Johnson at LGF. The picture featured by the Times is just one of many being hawked here as a photo compilation titled "In the Company of God by award-winning New York Times photographer, Joao Silva." A sample:

I don't know why this particular act does it for me...but I'm done with these clowns. I don't advocate physical violence against these people, but they need to pay. It is reprehensible that any newspaper in the United States of America would feel that it's acceptable to publish photographs and promote the work of individuals who choose to travel with our enemies and make money off of same said photos. Since money is what they seek, that is the way to hurt them...they need to be driven out of business. If they believe that it is OK to try and make money off of images like this...then they need to be made to pay.
It's a shame that the guy taking those pictures didn't meet up with a Mike model Hellfire as he was hanging with some of the assholes my unit fought against...maybe next time you piece of crap.
UpDATE: This is new to me at least...pirated from the fine folks at MOONBATTERY comes this little statement made by the IOC (Idiot in Charge) at the NY Times, Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger...
"Pinch was a political activist in the Sixties, and was twice arrested in anti-Vietnam protests. One day, the elder Sulzberger asked his son what Pinch calls, "the dumbest question I've ever heard in my life." If an American soldier runs into a North Vietnamese soldier, which would you like to see get shot? Young Arthur answered, "I would want to see the American get shot. It's the other guy's country." Some Sixties activists have since thought better of their early enthusiasms. Pinch hasn't"
It's tragic that a supposedly educated man would feel that way not just in his misguided youth but even later in life when he's had a chance to reflect and see just how stupid he may have been...sad and tragic indeed.
By Michelle Malkin ยท July 16, 2006 08:13 AM
Which side are they on? The New York Times settles the question definitively with a hysterical, unreality-based lead editorial today recycling the BDS attacks on the War on Terror--but even more so with this disgusting pictorial tribute to Iraqi terrorists killing American soldiers, spotted by the vigilant Charles Johnson at LGF. The picture featured by the Times is just one of many being hawked here as a photo compilation titled "In the Company of God by award-winning New York Times photographer, Joao Silva." A sample:

I don't know why this particular act does it for me...but I'm done with these clowns. I don't advocate physical violence against these people, but they need to pay. It is reprehensible that any newspaper in the United States of America would feel that it's acceptable to publish photographs and promote the work of individuals who choose to travel with our enemies and make money off of same said photos. Since money is what they seek, that is the way to hurt them...they need to be driven out of business. If they believe that it is OK to try and make money off of images like this...then they need to be made to pay.
It's a shame that the guy taking those pictures didn't meet up with a Mike model Hellfire as he was hanging with some of the assholes my unit fought against...maybe next time you piece of crap.
UpDATE: This is new to me at least...pirated from the fine folks at MOONBATTERY comes this little statement made by the IOC (Idiot in Charge) at the NY Times, Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger...
"Pinch was a political activist in the Sixties, and was twice arrested in anti-Vietnam protests. One day, the elder Sulzberger asked his son what Pinch calls, "the dumbest question I've ever heard in my life." If an American soldier runs into a North Vietnamese soldier, which would you like to see get shot? Young Arthur answered, "I would want to see the American get shot. It's the other guy's country." Some Sixties activists have since thought better of their early enthusiasms. Pinch hasn't"
It's tragic that a supposedly educated man would feel that way not just in his misguided youth but even later in life when he's had a chance to reflect and see just how stupid he may have been...sad and tragic indeed.
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