What is This The Third Grade?!?

This picture was shamelessly stolen from the Texican Tattler
As if I needed another reason to hate
PARIS (Reuters) - Zinedine Zidane said on Wednesday that Italian defender Marco Materazzi insulted his mother and his sister during the World Cup final against Italy.
The French captain reacted to the insult by head-butting Materazzi's chest in the second period of extra time of the match. He was sent off.
And then one of his teammates needed a cootie shot because some girl in the stands touched him....
Apparently in Europe they don't allow taunting in elementary school, so it's possible to reach adulthood, play in the world championship soccer match, and then get kicked out of the same game because someone said something about your Mom and sister...I'm shocked he didn't use the standard, "That's not cool man, my Mom died a few months ago." comeback. What a boob.
The World Cup, the only place you can see worse acting than a movie with Madonna in it.
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