A Special Cap

From MLB.com
H/T: Some Soldier's Mom, who has extended commentary about MLB and this program.
...Major League Baseball announced on Monday the launch of a national campaign called "Welcome Back Veterans." This is an apolitical series of national fundraising and awareness initiatives over the Fourth of July weekend and Sept. 11 to support the ongoing return of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, an effort started by a group of citizens led by Mets chairman Fred Wilpon with the full support of MLB, Major League Baseball Advanced Media and the McCormick Foundation.
For games throughout the July 4 weekend and on Sept. 11, all MLB clubs will wear "Stars & Stripes" caps that are available for sale to the public, with a portion of the proceeds going to Welcome Back Veterans. These official New Era caps can be purchased at the MLB.com Shop, a way to help others.
H/T: Some Soldier's Mom, who has extended commentary about MLB and this program.
Order the hat for your favorite ball club HERE!
Labels: Baseball, Cool Stuff, MLB, Vets
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