About Me
- Name: Outlaw 13
- Location: TEXAS, United States
Born in Waco Texas, played some baseball, grew up(some),joined the Army, learned how to fly helicopters, traveled to about 10 different countries around the world and fought in two wars...Served in Iraq twice, and in the middle of my third tour.

Previous Posts
- Girl Friday, 2 May 08
- A 5 Year Mission...
- PFC Ross McGinnis to Recieve Medal of Honor
- Hey Good Looking, We'll Be Back To Pick You Up Later
- When Guns Are Outlawed...
- Onward Christian Soldiers...Oh and the rest of you...
- 26 Princess Leias
- Congress-critters on the Loose
- Girl Friday, 25 APR 08
- Those Wacky Japanese
The Texas Connection

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