Thursday, November 23, 2006

Using The "F" Word in the Chow Hall

Soldiers are notorious users of swear words, and their favorite by far is the "F" word. I have witnessed soldiers make entire sentences that used almost nothing but the word f#@k. Something like the phrase, "You should have f#@kin' seen that f@#k, he f#@kin' ran one f@#king way then he f#@king went another f#@king way and in the f#@king end we f#@king had to kill the mother f#@ker." With that in mind I would like to relate something that occurred here (in Iraq) just the other day. Please keep in mind that I generally don't swear a great deal...even over here. I would prefer to use the big words I learned in college...I've got to show something for those years and money spent.

I was sitting with one of our company commanders at the lunch table (we were going to fly a mission later on that afternoon). We were having a conversation concerning an event that happened to a couple of his soldiers a few days previous. In the course of that conversation he became rather animated and use the "F" word a few times to describe both the insurgents and some people who were trying to give his soldiers a hard time. The good Captain was honestly concerned about the welfare of his soldiers and seeing that they were and are being treated fairly. His use of the "F" word as an adjective was while technically against Army regulations, I think perfectly understandable given that we are currently in a state of war and lives not just careers are at stake.

My feeling was apparently not shared by a First Sergeant who was a few seats down sitting across from a female (rather attractive...oops not supposed to notice that) 1st LT, who looked in our direction and said, "Sir, could you watch your language?"

In retrospect he was polite enough and didn't really make a I may have over-reacted a little when I looked down at my flight suit, tore my name-tag off the Velcro, held it up, looked at it and said out loud, "Yep, it says right here US Army...I thought I was still in the Army." Nothing further was said but I knew the remark hit home by the stink-eye I received in response.

What I didn't say, but was thinking was, if you are offended by the "F"Word, Fobbit, I suggest you fly around with me for a few hours and you'll see some really offensive stuff, like IEDs, Rocket and mortar blasts and if you're really lucky you might get to see what it looks like when 30mm rips a human being apart...kinda makes the "F" word look like small potatoes when you think about it.

I wish I could go back to a time and a place where little things like the F-Word were worth the trouble of correcting someone over. Maybe our little military society is a little rough around the edges and needs to use the big words versus the 4 letter kind. But on the other hand he could be wrong and he can go FUCKING back to his FUCKING trailer and FUCKING e-mail his wife about the horrible dirty aviators he had to correct for all their foul language at the DFAC today...I mean they were swearing in front of the girl...WHAT THE FUCK, OVER?

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