Saturday, November 18, 2006

America F#@K YEAH!

If you ever need an example of the kind of humor possess, just hang around a bunch of them for 5 minutes.

Apparently, we have a "Team America" fan working in our CP. On the door there is a bumper sticker someone sent over from the states that reads in part, "freedom isn't free." The phantom Team America fan inked underneath..."it costs a buck oh five" least it gave a few of us a chuckle on the way in.

You may have to have been there, and seen Team America. Which I don't really recommend unless its really necessary...the being here part not the movie. Well if you have a stick up your ass I wouldn't recommend the movie either, I'd recommend getting that stick out of where it doesn't belong and lighten-up because life is too short.

Sorry, the Girl Firday will be Girl Saturday or Sunday...not like too many are disappointed these days anyway.

Be's a jungle out there!

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