Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Why I'll Never Be A Little League Coach

I was reminded the other day exactly why I never want to get involved with coaching baseball at the little league (8-12 year old) level.

I was sitting in a Mexican restaurant minding my own business when I overheard some people at the next table talking very loudly about baseball. I look over and see a table with 4-5 kids aged around 10-12, they are still dressed in their uniforms so I guess they came to eat after the game. Funny thing is, all I can hear is one of the fathers talking about and critiquing his son's performance. Yeah son, you went 2 for 4 with a walk but you're not really driving the ball the way I would like...when we get home after this we're going to get on the trainer and work on your stride (work on your stride?!?)

First of all I wanted to scream, he went 2 for 4 why don't you let the kid enjoy it?!? Second, he's 10 years old how well do you expect him to "drive" the ball anyway...why don't we just be glad he's making contact. Third, if you want to "coach" the kid why don't you just hold on to all that advice till we get to practice...never letting your kid enjoy the game will more than likely drive him away from it.

I must have had very special parents because after I played a game I only got advice or critique if I asked about it first...usually the only discussion was about where we were going to eat. Somehow I managed to learn how to play well enough to be invited to play college baseball...but I never was a meal ticket for my folks so I guess I failed miserably as a ball player.

Somewhere down the line a lot of people have forgotten that these leagues and games are about the kids...they are not some vehicle for their parents to live out old fantasies or the opportunity for Dad to groom his retirement plan/ college fund. If they put half as much effort into things that really mattered they all be much better off...but what the hell do I know anyway?

Yeah, if I was a coach I am afraid I would be in more arguments with folks like the dad mentioned above than I ever would with the umpire...and that's just sad. Almost makes me want to get deployed to Iraq again so I don't have to listen to crap like that...almost...well not really...but I think it would do that dad a lot of good, perspective wise. :-)

