I Lost 15 Pounds in Three Weeks on The JRTC Diet


Yes folks, if you are overweight and seem to can't ever loose those extra pounds no matter how hard you try, I have the diet plan for you! It's called the JRTC diet. What is it you ask? Well, it's really very simple. First wear a flack jacket, Kevlar helmet and carry an M-4 rifle wherever you go. Live at least a quarter of a mile away from where you work. Walk to work and everywhere else you go. Work between 16 and 18 hours a day and finally skip all meals except dinner. Dinner will include a unidentifiable chunk of grey meat with blood running out of it and vegetables that have been cooked to the point of having no flavor left in them...yum! Before you know it those unwanted pounds will melt away...along with you sense of humor, patience and ability to deal with idiots.
Honestly the food I received at the Joint Readiness Training Center was by far the worst food I have eaten (or not eaten as the case may be) in the 19 years I've been in the U.S. Army...and that's saying something. One night at dinner the following phrase was spoken, "I can't believe it...they have even managed to fuck up Kool-Aid." Yes it was so bad they couldn't even find a way to mix grape Kool-Aid correctly it was either too weak or was so sweet your teeth would spontaneously rot. Our CSM said the contractor received $8.00 a plate for the food they were feeding us...all I can say is someone is getting rich off of Uncle Sugar, because there is no way in HELL anything close to that is being spent on the food...but other than that things were great! And for those who care the contractor wasn't KBR...KBR took care of our food in Iraq and it was 10 times better than this stuff!
I will now endeavor to be more precise in my description of life at JRTC lest anyone think I was living in a prison camp...There were two hot meals a day available and MRE's anytime I wanted...I did not avail myself of those opportunities so the weight loss was my doing. No one is starving at JRTC...on the other hand the food really did suck.
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