Where For Art Thou Juliet...and Kiran?
This is a true story
On my last day in Iraq, and my first day in Kuwait I saw a vision. While this vision didn't make me question my course in life or take up the priesthood it did remind me of how good we have it...and that's always a good thing.
The day began as we packed up what remained of the things we hadn't already shipped out or sold off to the new guys. The challenge remained of how we were going to stuff 10 pounds of crap (our remaining gear) into a 5 pound bag (our aircraft). Somehow most of us found a way to wedge all remaining baggage (how did I get all this stuff anyway?) into every nook and cranny. If we had an accident on the way back I'm sure the accident board would have had a field day trying to figure out where all of this stuff came from.
We took off on time and said goodbye to everyone by flying low past all the trailers on the way out. It being 0730, I'm sure some of the late risers had some choice words for us. But I could care less, I'm going home!

As we neared the border of Iraq and Kuwait we spotted camels. Everyone thinks they are all over the place over here but that was the second or third time I'd seen some in a year.
Our arrival in Kuwait was rather anticlimactic, as we landed shut down and began to unload our stuff and look for the warehouse we would grow to hate over the next 10 days.
After finding a cot and setting up shop with 100 of our new closest friends it was dinner time, so after waiting for retreat to sound we headed off to the chow hall.
At the dining facility there is a hand washing station outside the door that EVERYONE must go through before being allowed to enter the building. There is even a soldier standing there to ensure compliance with the hand washing policy. Never mind that my headgear and flight suit are so nasty that as soon as my hand come into contact with them after I have washed my hands I have undone whatever good I just did by washing my hands, we feel good because we have done SOMETHING to combat the filth that permeates this place.
While the building and surroundings of this facility are top notch the chow isn't that much if any better than it was back in Iraq. That might explain the long lines at KFC and Hardees over at the PX. But what the hell, it's free and we are definitely getting our monies worth.
The walls of the DF were lined with TVs most of the time, at least when I was there they were either tuned to the news or sports channels. While we were in Iraq they had the same thing in our chow hall but it always seemed to have something on I didn't really care about...so I didn't watch too much. As I sat down with my roast beast and who hash and glanced up at the screen nearest me to see what was on. That is when I saw my vision.

Now don't get me wrong, I had seen Juliet Huddy of Fox News before. Before Iraq, before Korea I used to watch Fox and Friends Weekend edition while I did laundry or the other chores that were always put off till the weekend. Back then I thought she was cute and entertaining, but she didn't have the impact that seeing here on that screen had for me now. We couldn't hear a word she was saying, didn't know what story she was talking about, but that was OK with me. I just sat there and looked at her for a couple of minutes till my table mate asked me what the hell I was looking at.
"I'm looking at Juliet Huddy damnit."
He turns around and looks. "Yeah, she's pretty nice."
Another guy chimes in. "But she nothing compared to the news chick."
"The news chick...who's that?"
"I don't know her name, but she's hot."
Someone else said, "I think her name's Karen something."
Just then she appeared on the screen.

"It says there her name is Kiran Chetry."
"She's a babe!"
"She's a robo babe."
"If she were President she would be Baberaham Lincoln." (it is an established fact that if more than three soldiers are present and a non work related conversation takes place someone in the course of said conversation will quote a movie)
An hour or so later and after many hateful looks from the people around us a dirty band of Warrant Officers took our trays to the return area said goodbye to Juliet and Kiran and headed for our little warehouse in the sun.
I've thought about what I saw on that screen and what it was that attracted me so much. Yeah, they were cute but it wasn't the sex...we saw pictures of hot girls in AFFES porn and DVD's. I think it was the fact that we were finally headed home and they remind me of all that I had missed in the last two years. They looked so All American and girl next door. God Bless America...I'm going home!
Four months later I still remember that feeling...I'll never forget it, and while I know they weren't doing anything special or different that day I want to thank them for being who they are...American Women.
On my last day in Iraq, and my first day in Kuwait I saw a vision. While this vision didn't make me question my course in life or take up the priesthood it did remind me of how good we have it...and that's always a good thing.
The day began as we packed up what remained of the things we hadn't already shipped out or sold off to the new guys. The challenge remained of how we were going to stuff 10 pounds of crap (our remaining gear) into a 5 pound bag (our aircraft). Somehow most of us found a way to wedge all remaining baggage (how did I get all this stuff anyway?) into every nook and cranny. If we had an accident on the way back I'm sure the accident board would have had a field day trying to figure out where all of this stuff came from.
We took off on time and said goodbye to everyone by flying low past all the trailers on the way out. It being 0730, I'm sure some of the late risers had some choice words for us. But I could care less, I'm going home!

As we neared the border of Iraq and Kuwait we spotted camels. Everyone thinks they are all over the place over here but that was the second or third time I'd seen some in a year.
Our arrival in Kuwait was rather anticlimactic, as we landed shut down and began to unload our stuff and look for the warehouse we would grow to hate over the next 10 days.
After finding a cot and setting up shop with 100 of our new closest friends it was dinner time, so after waiting for retreat to sound we headed off to the chow hall.
At the dining facility there is a hand washing station outside the door that EVERYONE must go through before being allowed to enter the building. There is even a soldier standing there to ensure compliance with the hand washing policy. Never mind that my headgear and flight suit are so nasty that as soon as my hand come into contact with them after I have washed my hands I have undone whatever good I just did by washing my hands, we feel good because we have done SOMETHING to combat the filth that permeates this place.
While the building and surroundings of this facility are top notch the chow isn't that much if any better than it was back in Iraq. That might explain the long lines at KFC and Hardees over at the PX. But what the hell, it's free and we are definitely getting our monies worth.
The walls of the DF were lined with TVs most of the time, at least when I was there they were either tuned to the news or sports channels. While we were in Iraq they had the same thing in our chow hall but it always seemed to have something on I didn't really care about...so I didn't watch too much. As I sat down with my roast beast and who hash and glanced up at the screen nearest me to see what was on. That is when I saw my vision.

Now don't get me wrong, I had seen Juliet Huddy of Fox News before. Before Iraq, before Korea I used to watch Fox and Friends Weekend edition while I did laundry or the other chores that were always put off till the weekend. Back then I thought she was cute and entertaining, but she didn't have the impact that seeing here on that screen had for me now. We couldn't hear a word she was saying, didn't know what story she was talking about, but that was OK with me. I just sat there and looked at her for a couple of minutes till my table mate asked me what the hell I was looking at.
"I'm looking at Juliet Huddy damnit."
He turns around and looks. "Yeah, she's pretty nice."
Another guy chimes in. "But she nothing compared to the news chick."
"The news chick...who's that?"
"I don't know her name, but she's hot."
Someone else said, "I think her name's Karen something."
Just then she appeared on the screen.

"It says there her name is Kiran Chetry."
"She's a babe!"
"She's a robo babe."
"If she were President she would be Baberaham Lincoln." (it is an established fact that if more than three soldiers are present and a non work related conversation takes place someone in the course of said conversation will quote a movie)
An hour or so later and after many hateful looks from the people around us a dirty band of Warrant Officers took our trays to the return area said goodbye to Juliet and Kiran and headed for our little warehouse in the sun.
I've thought about what I saw on that screen and what it was that attracted me so much. Yeah, they were cute but it wasn't the sex...we saw pictures of hot girls in AFFES porn and DVD's. I think it was the fact that we were finally headed home and they remind me of all that I had missed in the last two years. They looked so All American and girl next door. God Bless America...I'm going home!
Four months later I still remember that feeling...I'll never forget it, and while I know they weren't doing anything special or different that day I want to thank them for being who they are...American Women.
Labels: Hot Chicks, The Press
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