About Me
- Name: Outlaw 13
- Location: TEXAS, United States
Born in Waco Texas, played some baseball, grew up(some),joined the Army, learned how to fly helicopters, traveled to about 10 different countries around the world and fought in two wars...Served in Iraq twice, and in the middle of my third tour.

Previous Posts
- Checking Off The Network...
- Does Embeding WIth The Taliban Make You A Traitor?
- WTF Video, Feel Good Inc.
- God Bless Olivia Munn, again.
- You Can't Make This Stuff Up...
- Squirrel Soccer
- God Bless Olivia Munn
- Courage
- How Would You Like To Have This One Hanging Up In ...
- Best Explanation of the Press Ever...
The Texas Connection

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