On Turner Classic Movies...

Last night for fans of John Ford's cavalry movies, there was a triple feature; Fort Apache, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon and Rio Grande. Just awesome.
I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea...but they don't make 'em like that anymore. Here's some lines that I found particularly good...they ring true even today. There's more HERE.
Newspaper reporter: Of course, you're familiar with the famous painting of 'Thursday's Charge', sir?
Captain Yorke: Yes, I saw it when last I in Washington.
Newspaper reporter: That was a magnificent work.
[to other reporters]
Newspaper reporter: There were these massed columns of Apaches in their warpaint and feather bonnets... and here was Thursday leading his men in that heroic charge!
Captain Yorke: [knowing what really happened] Correct in every detail.
Newspaper reporter: [speaking of Col. Thursday] But what of the men who died with him? What of Collingworth and...
Captain Yorke: Collingwood.
Newspaper reporter: Oh, of course, Collingwood.
Reporter: That's the ironic part of it. We always remember the Thursdays, but the others are forgotten.
Captain Yorke: You're wrong there. They aren't forgotten because they haven't died. They're living - right out there.
[points out the window]
Captain Yorke: Collingwood and the rest. And they'll keep on living as long as the regiment lives. The pay is thirteen dollars a month; their diet: beans and hay. Maybe horsemeat before this campaign is over. Fight over cards or rotgut whiskey, but share the last drop in their canteens. The faces may change... the names... but they're there: they're the regiment... the regular army... now and fifty years from now. They're better men than they used to be. Thursday did that. He made it a command to be proud of.
Labels: Cavalry, The Movies
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