Purrfect Angelz in Iraq

Dancers Land in Iraq. Marines Offer No Resistance.
By MICHAEL R. GORDON, The New York Times
HADITHA DAM, Iraq (Aug. 26) — One by one, the marines took the stage for one of the most coveted photo opportunities of the war. Tanea sat on a knee of an eager marine while Laurie rested on the other.
Hands on their miniskirted hips, Amber and Renee posed at each side. Dani stood behind and held the marine’s rifle as the camera snapped the photo. Some of the young marines who lined up for the memento were so mesmerized by the experience that they had to be reminded not to leave their weapons behind.
The Haditha Dam is in a hostile stretch of the Euphrates River 140 miles northwest of Baghdad where the marines do battle with insurgents in the oppressive heat. But for a few hours this summer, the chow hall inside the dam was transformed into a theater for five shapely dancers who seemed to be the embodiment of many a young marine’s fantasy.
It was all part of a program to keep up morale in a war that is more dangerous than ever. There is a long history of providing entertainment for troops in war zones, including performances by attractive starlets. Bob Hope toured with Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell in Korea. Raquel Welch and Ann-Margret performed in Vietnam.
But at Haditha Dam, the marines have the Purrfect Angelz, as the dancers are known. Their tours, which organizers say are paid for by the military, have occasionally stirred some controversy. During the group’s 2005 visit to Baghdad, a female Air Force officer complained that the dancers’ wardrobes and routines encouraged insensitive attitudes toward women in the military.
I hope these ladies have much future success in whatever career they choose...they deserve it. Note the author of the article just couldn't leave well enough alone...he had to point out that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE was offended by this...WOW there's a shocker.
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